Anyone feeling tired? How do we recover our energy during these exhausting days in a world that is speeding nonstop?
Recovery in our day-to-day busy lives means more than stopping. It's a dynamic & personal process that aims at restoring our energetic resources. And it's conceivably different with all of us--what will work for me might not work for you because our unique physiology, psychology and current life needs are different.
So here are some examples of personalized questions we can ask ourselves in order to shape effective authentic recovery:
What kind of rest do I most need right now--a short power nap, a music bath, a brisk walk around the building?
Do I need to work on some limiting beliefs that are draining energy from my life, or to change my self-talk in specific ways?
Do I need a few minutes of guided meditation? Or do I need to sit comfortably in silence?
Do I need a weekend filled with social activities or more alone time, or projects around the house, or relaxation, or more sleep, or reading fun books, or going for a hike in nature?
Recovery requires strategic self regulation and dynamic choices. Which of those needs appeals to you most in the midst of your busyness and feeling drained?
If you would like more content on this topic of strategic recovery, check out Chapter Two in my book “The Strategic Stop: Taking Back Your Life in a World Obsessed with Busyness.” It’s available in Amazon and other book stores.