Your Most Important Task

Your Most Important Task

Do you ever doubt yourself and your ability to live out your purpose successfully? Do you ever compare yourself to other people and come up short in your estimation? Do you ever wonder what difference you can possibly make in the world when there are so many others doing it better than you? Are you ever tempted to simply crawl back in your hole and let life pass you by because you’re not noticed by anyone anyway?

Whom among us has never felt these doubts and feelings? It’s a part of our tender humanity.

Strategic Stops

Strategic Stops

We live in a caffeinated culture, and I'm not referring to people drinking coffee.

We exist smack dab in the middle of a 24/7, nonstop culture where people are always plugged in and tuned out. We feel constant pressure that with so much going on in the world we need to stay engaged all the time. So many demands on our lives, so little time to fulfill them all. We live with guilt if we don't.

And we're paying the price for this!

You Have Personal Power!

You Have Personal Power!

Many of us tend to have a rather complicated relationship with power. We're at the same time both afraid of it and hungry for it. Our fear of personal power often revolves around two poles - we want to appear humble and not prideful, on the one end, and we don't want to be seen as too pushy or selfish, on the other end.

Be A Rebel!

Be A Rebel!

The older I get the more I realize how significant it is to learn how to say No to some things in order to say Yes to others. And especially to learn which are the more important things to push back against and push forward toward. Here are two strategies for doing this well.

Clarifying Your Calling Will Bring You A Lifetime of Empowerment

I've never heard anyone say it's their Calling to be a janitor

I've definitely known janitors who perform their work with passion and excellence. It inspires me. But as I've watched and listened to them talk about what they do, I've seen that their role isn't their Calling. It's why they do this role--what it is about what they do and how they do it--that helps to identify whether it's a Calling or not.

Are You In a Job or Ministry? Reframing Work to Change Your Whole Experience

Remember the story about the stonecutter centuries ago? He was chiseling a huge piece of stone, pieces of rock flying from his pounding hammer. All the while he was whistling and humming as he worked. A passerby stopped and asked him why he could make music while doing such mundane and arduous work. He said, "I'm not just chiseling stone. I'm making a cathedral."

Four Ways Your Spouse Improves Your Goal Success

This time of year, we're all trying to find whatever methods we can to help us achieve our goals (those things that really matter to us) more successfully. It's possible that some of us have neglected a resource that research is reminding us has transformational capacities for helping us achieve our goals more effectively.

How to Face Obstacles in a Way That Furthers Instead of Impedes Your Calling

What are obstacles you’re facing right now? What might be standing in your way of fulfilling what matters most to you, tempting you with intimidation, striking fear and insecurity in your heart? What is challenging and eroding your sense of identity, impeding your calling, purpose, and mission in your life? Or what challenges are you facing in your pursuit of your Calling that may feel big and difficult? Let me suggest some ways to reframe these obstacles that will give you direction on how to face them with more courage, wisdom, and effectiveness.